Thursday, August 7, 2008



I miss STEAMBOAT!!!!!
So I invited......
Chubi Chubi, Babe n Mark....
Some were missing cuz they're not in KCH.
Lov.....We miss you So MUCHIE~!!!!
Claudieeeeeeeee..........YOU TOO.......
We went for Steamboat @ RH Plaza last nite.
The weather was great due
To heavy rain in the afternoon.
I had my favourite crab & prawns.
Chubi Chubi BBQ some meat for me.
After steamboat, Babe n Mark went back.
Left me & Chubi Chubi only.
So we head downtown.
And to Kch Fest.
Chubi Chubi said he haven't been there yet.
Wow....Altho the weather was cooling,
My poor Chubi Chubi sweat like hell.
Kesian HIM......


I feel like I'm floating in the AIR......
I received 2 gifts at the same time.

* Sweet Kid *

I called him Sweet Kid.
It was given by my Chubi Chubi.
I love Sweet Kid to bits.
My Chubi Chubi was late lastnite cause of Sweet Kid.
Blame it on SWEET KID.
Poor Bear Bear.......
He said:
"Sweet Kid is a replacement when he is not around."
Wah......I can feel stars floating on top of my head.
My CHUBI CHUBI vewie SWEET rite.....


Did you notice the background cloth??
It was from my BABE.
She bought it from KK.
It look great on me.
So Suwiittt....
I can use it during my trip to DAMAI.
Wish my babe can join me there.
Cross Fingers..........


* smurfie *


Eve! said...

Its not cloth. Its known as Pareo ek

BubblishVonne said...

*faint* I wanna go to damai tooo~~~

Anonymous said...

Wow, lots of happening over in Kuching! Wish I could join you, sigh. But it's work, work and work as usual over in BZ KL.